Wednesday 12th March 2025

The artist is Ivanov

Sketch for the series "Pictures from Russian history", For the publisher "Grossman and Knebel" (M., 1909).

Painting "In the order of Moscow times" Dedicated to the events of the XVII century, the reign of Fedor Alekseevich Romanov, an educated and energetic king. For several years of reign, he significantly succeeded in reformal activities. The most important event of his reign was the destruction during the meeting of the Zemstvo Cathedral of the localism (1682), which made it possible to promote the service not very noble, but educated and smart people. At the same time, all discharge books with lists of posts were burned at the same time as “main culprits” of local disputes and claims. In exchange they were ordered to make a genealogy book, into which all noble and noble people were entered, but already without indicating their place in the Duma. The creation of the order system led to the formation of a special layer of the order bureaucracy. Orders – bodies of central public administration in Moscow, who headed a special kind of public affairs or individual regions of the state. For the sixteenth century, a total of about 80 such governing bodies functioned. Each of them was responsible for some narrow sphere of activity: foreign policy, feudal land ownership, protection of the unenviable fate of immigrants, etc. To properly assess the fees of the inhabitants of individual places, special financial orders were organized – “quarters” (“Cheti”), which were responsible for certain areas of the country. The main one was the order of a large parish, where the main part of the funds raised flocked, which the artist told us about. Innovative techniques developed by the painter in the historical genre are noticeable in the picture: the composition of the canvas resembles a film in which the characters taken by close -up are active and energetic.
This work is an illustration of the publication "Pictures from Russian history", released by the publishing house "Grossman and Knebel" (M., 1909). A series of 50 issues of brochures was a school manual with illustrations and texts that reflected the characteristic moments of the history of Russia. The best artists of their time were involved in the publication, among whom was with. IN. Ivanov. "Pictures on Russian history “were acquired not only by educational institutions, but also by private individuals. The owners of the paintings often inserted them into the frames and hung them in the office or in the living room. In addition to paintings on historical and household topics, the artist wrote portraits and landscapes, was illustrated by books, among which were works a. WITH. Pushkin and m. YU. Lermontov.

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