The artist is Goncharova
For the paintings n. Goncharova 1908–1909 is characterized by work with large, dense color spots, which forces us to recall Goncharova’s direct involvement in the organization of the first exhibition "Jack of Diamonds", Her proximity to domestic primitivism and French Fovism. But any borrowings associated with the development of an important plastic motive for the artist are fused with her own picturesque and expressive temperament, not without a certain intrigue. It belonged to the generation of masters forming the aesthetics of the new century. Strong figures of wrestlers occupy the entire canvas, they hardly fit into the space of the picture, creating the impression of a powerful excessive force. A canvas with the same name, created by the artist at the same time, is stored in the Museum of Contemporary Art (Center for them. AND. Pompidu), in Paris (gift of MK USSR).